ACL Injury Prevention

ACL injuries are common in athletes who play contact and non-contact sports as a result of improper mechanic movements; when a valgus force is applied to the knee, it places the ACL under high stress, leading to increased risk of ACL injury. Due to the frequency of ACL injuries in athletes, many injury prevention programs have been created to decrease the risk of an injury occurring. In order for an injury prevention program to be effective, it must include three components of exercise: plyometrics, balance training, and strength training. The following programs meet these criteria and have been included for your use.

PEP Program (Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance)

The Santa Monica Sports Medicine Research Foundation created this program to replace the "traditional" warm-up routine. Developed by a team of physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers and coaches, the program includes specific exercises to train athletes on strategies to avoid injuries.

Click the link below to view the PEP Program
ยป pep-program.pdf

FIFA ||+Program

The goal of this program is to improve your performance and minimize the risk of sports related injuries. The program was developed by FIFAs Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-MARC) in conjunction with a group of international experts.

Click the link below to view the FIFA 11+ Program
ยป 11plus_workbook_e.pdf

Get Set Train Smarter

Created by the International Olympic Committee, the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center and several other international sports federations, this application aims to help prevent sports injuries by providing athletes with effective exercise routines geared for different sports.

Click the link below to download the app on an Apple product
Click the link below to download the app on an Android product


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